quarta-feira, março 15, 2006

eu sempre achei que nós ficamos melhores de tailleur do que eles de gravata

"(...) a growing number of those companies have become convinced that it makes good business sense to have more women in their executive suite.
ABB, BP and General Electric have renewed their efforts to help women reach the higher levels, not out of any sense of corporate social responsibility but because they genuinely believe that it is good for their profits.
Research from America, Britain and Scandinavia supports their view, showing a strong correlation between shareholder returns and the proportion of women in the higher executive echelons.
While this does not establish a causal relationship, it does suggest that a corporate culture which fosters women's careers can also foster profitability.
A few think that women have a unique contribution to make in running modern firms. They are often better at team-building and communications, for example, an advantage in a corporate world that is today increasingly characterised more by informal networks than by ordered cohorts."

no "the economist",
Jul 21st 2005


Blogger anarresti said...

Eu sempre achei que muitas vezes nós de fato parecemos mordomos ou o tipo que serves as bebidas num cocktail. Mas tudo está dependente da elegância do tailleur e do fato em questão. Uma mulher pode ficar desastrosamente trambolha num tailleur. E concedo que alguns fatos são menos maus. Mas as gravatas têm de ser mesmo muito boas.

março 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Nuno: nunca te vi de gravata! imaginá-lo é de tal maneira contrário à imagem que em mim tenho da tua pessoa que só posso sorrir ao pensar nisso :o)

março 16, 2006  

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