sexta-feira, maio 05, 2006

Lantana revisited

"We don't know what to feel anymore.
We don't know what's right or wrong anymore.
The confused cry of the modern age...
We ask,"What can we believe in? What should we believe in?"
Our politicians? Hardly.
Our priests? You'd be amazed at how many clients come to see me because they once believed in a priest. It's not supposed to be that way. But it is.
What then? Our parents? "Home is a sanctuary." For the privileged few. For most, it's a battleground. It's not meant to be like that. But it is.
Love? Can we believe in love? Feel safe in it? Loving someone means we have to relinquish power. It's mutual surrender. But how can this take place? Trust.
Trust is as vital to human relationships as breath is to life... and just as elusive."


Blogger Sousa said...

quanta introspecção... pois eu não sei viver sem "trust", é como que um ponto de partida. talvez por aí também a família seja sempre um porto (mais) seguro...

maio 05, 2006  
Blogger ana said...

oh sousa, introspecção é o meu nome do meio!

sim, trust é um ponto de partida, mas para mim é assaz difícil. olá!

maio 05, 2006  

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